For parents & grandparents


Support for parents and grandparents

After a child dies, having support during the grieving process is an important part of the healing process and journey.

At The Compassionate Friends (TCF), our members have survived the death of a child, sibling or grandchild. We meet as equals to give each other support and friendship through:

  • group meetings

  • formal and informal lunches

  • talks and presentations

  • an annual weekend gathering

  • an annual candle lighting

Members are not trained counsellors but offer help through shared experience, mutual respect and understanding, and a desire to support each other.

We are not affiliated with any specific religion and reach out to all bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents irrespective of religion, race, financial status or nationality. We do not suggest any “correct way” to grieve, or preferred solution to the emotional and spiritual pain caused by the death of a child.

Members are free to express their individual views, with the understanding that every bereaved person has individual needs. They can also learn from others who have built lives around their grief, and found fresh hope and strength for living.

By joining TCF NSW as a parent or grandparent, you can connect with others in a safe space.

Find your local chapter

See our support resources.

After you have attended a couple of support meetings, you may wish to join us as a member.